The use of video in the modern courtroom is now the industry standard. It is commonplace for witnesses to testify via video conference. These technical enhancements bring to light the usefulness of video conferencing and the power of online video communication platforms.

Attorneys understand the vital impact of what video impeachment can do for cross examinations. While it may be a convincing strategy to impeach a witness by reading the prior testimony, it is dramatically more effective to have the recorded deposition of the witness (who is on the witness stand) appear on screens throughout the courtroom contradicting his/her own testimony. By synchronizing video depositions to their corresponding transcripts, OTR gives the trial attorney instant access to any portion of the video with a simple click of a mouse. This innovative technology provides immediate playback of segmented video transcript portions, with or without scrolling text. With split screen capabilities, exhibits can be displayed adjacent to the video deposition, enabling a clearer understanding of the testimony.

Presenting trial evidence yourself with tablet software? Allow our consultants to help on the backend by assisting in producing your video clips and preset document treatments to compile examination notebooks. We can provide the appropriate media formats to import into your tablet. This will allow you to focus more on the case and less on the pre-production.